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27 Nov 2023

2 | RESKILLING WORKERS FOR ENHANCING LABOR PRODUCTIVITY IN ASIA AdApting to ChAnge: Models And poliCy insights for lAbor reskilling in developing eConoMies The beginning of the first industrial revolution in Britain in the late eighteenth century heralded the introduction of mechanized textile mills and the replacement of artisan weavers and textile workers, who had spent years learning their craf. [...] Sources of Demand for Reskilling and Upskilling Although the current anxiety is largely about the effect of automation on the labor market and the associated changing demand for skills, there are equally important other factors that will influence the demand for reskilling and upskilling. [...] Relative costs and the regulatory framework around the use of the technology are just as important factors and have the potential to slow the spread of the technology more widely with implications for reskilling and upskilling (Productivity Commission 2016). [...] The funding of reskilling and upskilling should be the responsibility of individual workers, employers and governments, with the contribution proportional to the benefits each party obtains from the investment and the ability to pay. [...] More micro level research is needed to understand the barriers and enablers to reskilling and upskilling from the perspective of the firm and employees, including that of the unemployed.
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