The current import restrictions and the impossibility for the private sector Hostilities to restart commercial activities are also contributing to the dire food secu- Hostilities are the main driver of the extremely high levels of acute food IPC Phase 3 (Crisis) : Households either have food consumption gaps that are reflected rity situation in the Gaza Strip. [...] This includes the continuation of ground 1 - NoneThe entire population in the Gaza 26% 21% • For the current and projection period, the FRC concluded that the estima- operations and clashes in the northern governorates and their 2 - StressedStrip (about 2.2 million people) is 2.22M tion of the population in IPC Phase 5 (Catastrophe) done by the IPC Anal-broadening and intensification in southern g. [...] Populations Northern • The FRC also considers that, due to the expansion of high-intensity hos- remaining in the northern governorates, including Gaza and North Governorates tilities and the extremely high and growing level of displacement in the 30%(% of analysed 25% population by southern governorates, the entire population (both residents and dis- Gaza, are expected to remain highly isolated an. [...] The most likely scenario X risk of Famine • The cessation of hostilities and the restoration of humanitarian space to 0 50 100 is expected to have a higher chance of occurring during the projection km Evidence Level ** Medium deliver this multi-sectoral assistance and restore services are essential first period compared to the alternative scenarios, i.e. [...] Access to food is expected to As the functionality of health and wash services continues to deteriorate, the reduce as the concentration of IDPs overwhelms shelter capacity and food risk of spread of water-borne disease and epidemics increases.
- Pages
- 4
- Published in
- Italy