cover image: Monthly Featured Book - Queen of the Hanukkah Dosas - Book Themes



Monthly Featured Book - Queen of the Hanukkah Dosas - Book Themes

28 Nov 2023

If so, how? ¾ In the end, how do Sadie’s climbing skills “come in handy?” ¾ How did you feel as you were reading the book? ¾ Why do you think the author wrote this book? What is the message in the story?. [...] Hanukkah is often called the “Festival of Lights” because it is celebrated with the lighting of the Hanukkah menorah (also called a hanukkiyah) for eight nights, celebrating a miracle that happened during this time, where just one day’s supply of oil allowed the menorah in the Temple to remain lit for eight days. [...] Elicit that the family in the makes dosas instead of latkes because they are Indian and want to include an aspect of this part of their culture—and dosas are also cooked in oil. [...] You can also talk with them about the importance of learning about the holidays, culture and identity of others. [...] Talk with your child about what they know and don’t know about their culture, what they may have found out about their culture from you (their parent), grandparents or other relatives, what more they want to know and the questions they have in order to learn more.
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