cover image: Monthly Featured Book - Queen of the Hanukkah Dosas - Book Themes



Monthly Featured Book - Queen of the Hanukkah Dosas - Book Themes

28 Nov 2023

Rather than focus on students’ retention of all the words, make sure they understand the words enough to follow the story and remind students of the words’ meanings as they come up in the book. [...] Below are some sample questions that correlate to specific page numbers: ¾ Who is Amma-Amma? (Page 5) ¾ What are some of the ingredients in the dosas? (Page 14) ¾ What happens to the door? (Page 21) After reading the book aloud, engage students in a discussion by asking some or all of the following discussion questions: ¾ What happens in the story? ¾ Why does Sadie’s brother not want her to help t. [...] Impactful and Memorable Scenes Ask students: What part or scene from the book did you find memorable, impactful or interesting? With students, brainstorm a list of scenes from the book that students found impactful, important or memorable (e.g., when the family goes to the Little India Market, when Sadie climbs on the coconut milk cans, when the family cooks the dosas, when Sadie’s brother sings,. [...] Hanukkah is often called the “Festival of Lights” because it is celebrated with the lighting of the Hanukkah menorah (also called a hanukkiyah) for eight nights, symbolizing a miracle that happened during this time, where just one day’s supply of oil allowed the menorah in the Temple to remain lit for eight days. [...] Explain/elicit from student that Sadie and her family are Jewish and Indian (from India) and therefore, they combine some of their Indian traditions with their Jewish traditions, like going to the Indian market and making dosas instead of potato latkes.
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