cover image: Net-zero operational carbon buildings State of the art - →  Where we are on the journey to net-zero buildings in operation


Net-zero operational carbon buildings State of the art - → Where we are on the journey to net-zero buildings in operation

17 Nov 2023

This is a critical point of equity: a net-zero building This publication identifies and highlights cannot take a disproportionate amount of the shortcomings and inconsistencies of the current renewable energy available in the locality (either global approach to operational net-zero emissions now or in the future). [...] movement in the right direction, there are few signs yet of the scale of transformation that Market incentives to change is required across the global property sector Progress is lacking globally in the generation if we are to step up to the challenge of the of clear market incentives for the creation of climate crisis. [...] We also review the state of the We look at the state of the transition to net-zero transition to net-zero emissions from the demand emissions in key regions in terms of supply and and supply sides in various regions. [...] Critical to the definition is the combination of the performance of the building and that of the infrastructure to which it connects. [...] However, for the vast markets, it is possible to trade the energy source majority of buildings, it is necessary to rely on the and the evidence of its energy credentials and local energy market.
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