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NDIS Review Final Report: A guide for people with disability and their families

14 Dec 2023

Your navigator would work with you and the other people in your life to help you understand the system, achieve what is important to you and help you find support to do it. [...] By offering an advocate, families can receive the guidance and support they need to ensure their child with a disability thrives within the system.” Shannon NDIS Review A guide to our final report | 10 Help to find your way around the new system Changes to access, budgets and planning You told us that accessing the NDIS is complicated and confusing. [...] What would change? We recommend changes to three areas: • Accessing the NDIS • Setting a budget • Creating a plan of action to get the most out of your budget Accessing the NDIS Applying to the NDIS must be easier and fairer. [...] “I think the best thing for the NDIS would be for the person who makes the decision to have to meet with the participant and get to know them as a person, not an application. [...] The new access, budget and planning process NDIS Review A guide to our final report | 14 Changes to access, budgets and planning Better support for children and their families You told us that the NDIS is not working well for children and their families.
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