cover image: Fact sheet 9: A thriving, balanced system of supports and services for people with disability


Fact sheet 9: A thriving, balanced system of supports and services for people with disability

15 Dec 2023

Fact sheet 9: A thriving, balanced system of supports and services for people with disability FACT SHEET 9 Disability Service Providers A thriving, The panel’s vision balanced system We want to see thriving NDIS markets with a range of providers and services so people with disability have genuine choice and can find of supports and supports that meet their needs. [...] Regulation of providers is inconsistent and is not proportionate to the risk of the activity delivered (such as the intensity of the support delivery) or provider operations (such as the size of the provider). [...] Subject to YES YES YES YES complaints process Report incidents YES YES YES NO Practice Standards YES YES YES NO • General standards and • General standards for all • Simplified general standards support-specific standards support types and support- for all support types. [...] Performance YES YES YES NO measurement (Action 12.3) Processes Application, identity YES verification and code • Provider completes online application form, integrated with centralised online platform and NDIS payments system (Actions 10.1 and 10.3) of coduct and worker to provide the NDIA and new National Disability Supports Quality and Safeguards Commission with visibility of all providers and d. [...] Audit of YES YES NO NO compliance • In-depth observational • Graduated and proportionate • But includes a self-assessment with practice audit of compliance with audit of compliance with and attestation of compliance relevant practice standard.
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