cover image: Fact sheet 4: Access, support needs assessment and budget setting


Fact sheet 4: Access, support needs assessment and budget setting

15 Dec 2023

Fact sheet 4: Access, support needs assessment and budget setting FACT SHEET 4 For people with disability and their families Access, The panel’s vision support needs People with disability and families should be supported to find and use disability supports that meet their needs and increase greater social, economic and community inclusion. [...] Lee will see his budget in the NDIS portal and can use his budget flexibly to pay for supports to participate in community activities he is interested in, continue to attend the ADE and start working with an occupational therapist to build his independent living skills so he can try sharing a home with two of his friends. [...] Matt teaches Lee how to find and apply for a rental close to his family and links him to the state tenancy advice service. [...] Find out about Navigators and the NDIA will help people with disability understand The same accessible the NDIS what the NDIS is, who it is for and how to make an access request information will be available to if required. [...] Develop a plan Participants are supported by navigators to develop a plan of action to Navigators have access to of action use their budget in a way that meets their needs, and to implement specialist advice.safeguards to manage risk.
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