cover image: Fact sheet 2: Foundational supports for all people with disability


Fact sheet 2: Foundational supports for all people with disability

14 Dec 2023

Fact sheet 2: Foundational supports for all people with disability FACT SHEET 2 For people with disability and their families Foundational The panel’s vision supports for We want there to be a connected system of support for all people with disability. [...] Foundational supports will be general – for all people with disability, and targeted – for people with lower level support needs who are not eligible for the NDIS. [...] Foundational supports should be available to all NDIS participants and people with disability solution? aged under age 65 who are not eligible for the NDIS and their families. [...] There should also be early supports for families and children with emerging developmental concerns and transition supports to help young people prepare for employment and independent living. [...] Foundational supports should also be designed to meet the diverse needs of individuals and of particular community groups, including First Nations, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse, LGBTQI+SB and people with disability who live in rural or remote areas.
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