Gender gaps in the chilean pension system Contribution probability and pension savings Paulina Granados, Fernanda Toledo and Ximena Quintanilla Superintendence of Pensions December 2023 Motivation • There is a broad consensus about the existence of gender gaps in the labor market. [...] • These gaps are transferred to the pension system, regardless of its design (DB, DC, notional, etc.) • In the case of the Chilean pension system, which is fully funded with defined contributions, the gender gaps in the labor market impact directly the self-financed pension benefits through: – Earnings gap – Work/out of work patterns which affect contributions patterns. [...] To analyse the gap on pension savings for different cohorts over time Methods and data • The analysis is focused on the differences between men and women in their probability of contribution and the evolution of accumulated pension savings. [...] • The differences in the probability of contribution is estimated through a logistic model and the differences in the accumulated balance is estimated through an ordinary least square regression. [...] Gaps in pension savings % Data Gender gaps in pension balance by age and cohorts • Following Deaton and Paxson (1994) and Deaton (1997), we decompose the total gap in age, cohorts, and time effects.
- Pages
- 19
- Published in
- Australia