cover image: Public-Benefit Foundations in Europe : Comparative Analysis and Aggregate Figures Across 26 Countries


Public-Benefit Foundations in Europe : Comparative Analysis and Aggregate Figures Across 26 Countries

1 Dec 2023

This briefing presents an up-to-date picture of the institutional philanthropy landscape in Europe by offering an analysis of the philanthropic sectors in 26 European countries in a study conducted by Philea. It includes data by country as well as total figures for Europe on the number of public-benefit foundations in addition to their assets and annual expenditure. The briefing builds on and updates the information provided by the 2016 Public-Benefit Foundations in Europe Report, published by Donors and Foundations Networks in Europe (Dafne) (now part of Philea) and analysed by Candid (previously known as the Foundation Center).
europe nonprofits and philanthropy foundation sector, history and analysis nonprofit and voluntary sector, civil society


Sevda Kilicalp, Jack O'Neill

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

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