cover image: Rajdeep Roy


Rajdeep Roy

10 Nov 2023

The study explores the evolution of Bengali cinema from a materialist point of view and how the material relations influenced the production of Bengali cinema from independence to the present day. [...] Screenwriter | Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute A short fiction film based on the contemporary times of Bengal Screening: 1st Shantiniketan Documentary Film Festival. [...] PUBLICATIONS - Academic Thesis (MRes) | Macquarie University University The study explores the evolution of Bengali cinema from a materialist point of view and how the material relations influenced the production of Bengali cinema from independence to the present day. [...] Dissertation (Master’s Degree) | Visva Bharati University A study on the change of aesthetical, exhibition and perception pattern in digital age as a perspective of Indian Cinema. [...] Video Essay | Obstruction through Contemplation Produced a reflective video essay on the style and philosophy of alternative language in cinema as a part of Screen Investigation exercise at Macquarie University.


raj deep

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