cover image: International working group on tracking progress on just transition Purpose


International working group on tracking progress on just transition Purpose

18 Dec 2023

In doing so, the aim of this working group is to provide clear guidance on how to assess the credibility of companies’ just transition plans. [...] Additionally, the working group will show how the improved monitoring and evaluation of just transition can lead to a better understanding of where just transition gaps exist and how these gaps can best be filled over time. [...] On the one hand it has put just transition on the spotlight of the international agenda. [...] Terms of Reference Composition and role of the working group The working group will be open to participants working on the topic of just transition and particularly on how to measure just transition integration and how this can support corporate action. [...] The core group will be responsible for the implementation of the workplan of the group and leading the drafting of the report.


Joachim Roth

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