cover image: EEIST - EnErgy TranSITIon In BrazIl: InnovaTIon, opporTunITIES and rISkS


EEIST - EnErgy TranSITIon In BrazIl: InnovaTIon, opporTunITIES and rISkS

17 Nov 2023

For full institutional affiliations see The contents of this report represent the views of the authors, and should not be taken to represent the views of the UK government, CIFF or the organisations to which the authors are affiliated, or of any of the sponsoring organisations. [...] of the work performed during the past three years The unique case of the Brazilian energy transition of the programme in Brazil and draws extensive landscape knowledge from the previously published and publicly available reports. [...] it difficult to predict the outcomes of policy in exact ROA is conceived to address the limitations of CBA in terms, and where economic equilibrium is the the context of transformative policies,11 focusing on exception instead of the rule. [...] E xplore the ability of the policy to create or Establish the main characteristics, feedbacks and enhance options that could help the system evolve boundaries of the system and identify models towards the goals established, in ways that capture available for analysing the system. [...] The current rule of thumb is that ethanol technology costs, jobs and competitiveness in pays off when its price is less than 70% of the price of auto manufacturing and exports, the implications gasoline at the pump.27 Such an extensive adoption of for electricity grids of large numbers of EVs, and flex-fuel technology in the 2000s was only possible competing needs for the finite supply of genuinel.
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United Kingdom