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10 Semillas para recuperar el futuro

9 Jan 2024

Lastly, the administration is committed to reducing the housing deficit and improving household access to basic public services, as well as restructuring the labor market and ensuring vast support for entrepreneurship, and the economic empowerment of women and young people. [...] This includes significant investment in rural roads, the development of a plan for the improvement of ports and airports, and a guaranteed maintenance of the total registered road network. [...] This includes investing to strengthen the institutional framework of public security, strengthening the National Civil Police, professionalizing the intelligence services, retaking control of penitentiary centers, and strengthening the surveillance of maritime, air and land borders to combat illegal trafficking. [...] Citizenship without borders A strategy that will transform the relationship between the State of Guatemala and Guatemalan residents abroad, through a framework that allows an effective participation of the diaspora in national development, while expanding the services and protection that the State's representation abroad can provide. [...] Towards a legitimate and effective public function Restructure the strategic role of the public sector in the development of the country, investing GTQ1.5 billion to guide the public administration towards a path of greater effectiveness in the planning, budgeting and management of public policy, structurally closing the spaces for corruption.
Published in
United States of America