cover image: Empowering Young Drivers with Road Safety Education - Practical guidance emerging from


Empowering Young Drivers with Road Safety Education - Practical guidance emerging from

2 Jan 2024

The initial phase of learning to drive is marked by inherent risks, largely as a result of the inexperience of this at-risk group and the incomplete maturity of the teenage brain. [...] The recommendations and insights presented in the sections that follow offer a pathway for the advancement of RSE, with the ultimate goal of bolstering the safety of young and pre-drivers. [...] Whilst likely to be memorable for attendees of performances, the public retelling of highly emotional professional stories in the interventions within this review are more likely to be beneficial as part of the reflective practice of the individuals speaking and are less likely to have a persuasive impact on the attitudes, intentions or behaviours of the attendees (Perloff, 1993). [...] Telematics insurance uses a black box, mobile phone or dongle in the car to monitor harsh acceleration and braking, sharp changes in steering, and the speed of the vehicle, to determine the risks the user is taking, and making a journey-based charge accordingly. [...] It is important to travel at the appropriate speed for the conditions, and always within the speed limit, as this gives people the time and space to react to circumstances that appear on the road.
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United Kingdom