cover image: TSM Performance Creden�al Governance Framework (Primary Document) 1. Primary Document 1.1. Introduc�on


TSM Performance Creden�al Governance Framework (Primary Document) 1. Primary Document 1.1. Introduc�on

20 Dec 2023

Governing Authority The Mining Associaon of Canada (MAC) is the governing authority that leads the development, maintenance, and implementaon of the Governance Framework (GF) for TSM. [...] The governance and decision-making process for the TSM program includes the following groups and commitees: • The TSM Governance Team is a subcommitee of the MAC Board of Directors. [...] Purpose The purpose of this Governance Framework (GF) is to define what a TSM Performance Credenal is and who is responsible for the authority and administraon of its use. [...] Risk Assessment The Mining Associaon of Canada (MAC) Board of Directors (Board) is the primary authority for the risk assessment process of the TSM Program. [...] Business Requirements The primary use of the TSM Performance Credenal is the verificaon of company performance for each of the TSM protocols.


Blazicevic, Bree-Ana EMLI:EX

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