Diversity statistics 2023 White & Case is committed to The report offers a snapshot of the diversity embracing and celebrating diversity, within our London office, based on a one-off fostering an inclusive environment survey conducted in July 2023 in accordance where every individual can bring with SRA requirements. [...] The data presented in the report is based exclusively on responses to that survey collected We believe that a diverse and inclusive from 38% of the individuals working in our July 2023 SRA survey workforce is essential to our success as London office who chose to respond and a global law firm, and we are dedicated self-identify.to creating a workplace where all Collecting data on our workforce is. [...] In addition to the SRA survey, White & Case implemented a customized This report is published in compliance with the London office data collection initiative in 2020, which continues requirement of the Solicitors Regulation Authority to today, aimed at helping us identify areas for (SRA) to gather, report, and make public data about improving our diversity and inclusion efforts, such the diversity. [...] As a result, the sum of rounded percentages may not always equal 16–24 25–34 35–44 45–54 55–64 65+ Prefer not to say 100%. [...] Partner - 4% 54% 32% 8% 2% - Other fee earners 4% 73% 16% 4% 2% 1% 1% Business services 1% 27% 29% 29% 11% 1% 2% Gender Ethnicity London office: London office: Women 57% Ethnic minorities 22% Men 41% White 77% Other or prefer not to say 2% Prefer not to say 1% Details by role: Details by role: Women Men Other or prefer not to say Ethnic minorities White Prefer not to say Partner 34% 66% - Partner.
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- 5
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- United States of America