OY One Pager FV I N V E S T I N O P P O R T U N I T Y Y O U T H : A N A G E N D A F O R L O U I S I A N A ’ S F U T U R E W H O A R E L O U I S I A N A ’ S O P P O R T U N I T Y Y O U T H ? Nearly 1 in 6 young people between the ages of 16 to 24 in Louisiana are disconnected from both school and work, a population known as Opportunity Youth. [...] Louisiana’s opportunity That’s more than youth population is the entire population of 86,600 Lake Charles T H E O P P O R T U N I T Y Louisiana’s youth are the future of our state and should drive our economy for years to come. [...] images to give a proper experience to our customers.” A N A G E N D A F O R L O U I S I A N A ’ S Y O U T H I N V E S T I N E C O N O M I C S E C U R I T Y Policymakers must invest in young people’s economic security for Louisiana’s youth to succeed. [...] I N V E S T I N C A R E E R P A T H W A Y S Extending investment in workforce programs and educational certificates and credentialing can help Opportunity Youth develop skills and connect with jobs across the state. [...] W H O A R E W E ? The Louisiana Opportunity Youth Skills Coalition is a network of direct service providers and advocacy organizations working to ensure that the state’s policies and institutions support the needs of Louisiana’s disconnected youth.
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- 2
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- United States of America