cover image: Public disclosure affects emission rates at fossil fuel-fired power plants T


Public disclosure affects emission rates at fossil fuel-fired power plants T

11 Jan 2024

Our approach to exploring the impact of public disclosure relies on differential disclosure requirements stipulated by the GHGRP, which requires all facilities in the U. [...] In addition to this change, which is found for all reporting power plants, the analysis finds that the decrease was even greater for power plants subject to the GHGRP owned by publicly traded firms. [...] Undercutting the viability of disclosure laws as a means to reduce CO2 releases is emissions leakage, which occurs when companies reallocate production (and emissions) to facilities outside the scope of the disclosure policy. [...] The analysis finds that such companies reduce emission rates at the plants above the reporting threshold and simultaneously increase the CO2 discharge rates at plants that they own below the reporting threshold. [...] To maximize the performance benefits and minimize the potential for emission leakage and the creation of pollution hotspots, policymakers designing and implementing disclosure rules should seek as broad a reporting domain as possible.
Published in
United States of America