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Publications Office

12 Jan 2024

According to Desmog: • In 2019 ELV held a launch event in the European Parliament with the support of MEPs and staged a “flash action” where policymakers and supporters burst balloons carrying “common myths or misinformation” outside the Parliament. [...] • In 2021 ELV launched a series of videos about what it calls the “paradoxes” of the Farm to Fork strategy. [...] Furthermore a search on the EU lobby register finds reference to ELV on only 3 of its members’ own registrations (ELV indicates it has 14 members and partners) making it implausible for the ELV to rely on its members to provide transparency on ELV activities. [...] None of the conditions put in place by the EU institutions to try to make registration obligatory under the current voluntary regime, such as restricting meetings with Commissioners or European Parliament access passes, have apparently made much difference to this organisation’s ability to be active. [...] We propose that the European Parliament and the Commission investigate if and how ELV is influencing their work and ensure that ELV is not able to lobby MEPs, Commissioners, and officials without being registered.


Publications Office

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