cover image: December 22, 2023  The Honourable Kamal Khera, MP


December 22, 2023 The Honourable Kamal Khera, MP

22 Dec 2023

In addition to the initial feedback you receive through this process, we urge the government and the Office of Disability Issues to continue engaging people with lived experience and to centre their voices in the design of the CDB in the spirit of co-creation. [...] We urge the government to consider the following access considerations: An inclusive definition of disability: The Canada Disability Benefit Act references the Accessible Canada Act definition of disability. [...] Parameters of the CDB In designing the CDB, we urge the government to consider the following parameters: Maximum amount: The purpose of Bill C-22 is to “reduce poverty and to support the financial security of working-age persons with disabilities.” The Bill also states that the amount of the benefit should take into consideration the Official Poverty Line and the “additional costs associated with. [...] Calculation of income: To determine the amount of CDB, income should be calculated based on the individual and not the household. [...] To ensure the CDB is grounded in the principles of dignity and inclusion, we urge the government to design an administrative system that is fair and respectful, and centres people with disabilities.


Markus Stadelmann-Elder

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