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17 Jan 2024

The impact of productive employment and the quality of employment on the performance of the labor market is quite complex and cannot be examined as a cause-and-effect relationship. [...] With the availability of the vaccines, as well as a speedy response of the Royal Government of Cambodia, both in terms of infection prevention and distribution of the vaccine, the country was able to reduce the infection rate significantly, and the economy started to recover. [...] Productive employment is one of the key determinants of sustainable and inclusive development, and it also defines the gaps between the levels of development of the countries [5]. [...] 20 | QUALITY OF EMPLOYMENT: SELECTED COUNTRY CASES IN ASIA CAMBODIA • Percentage of workers earning above 2/3rd of median pay: This is one of the indicators of the SDGs, and the percentage of workers earning below 2/3rd of median pay is 17.9% or in other words, the percentage of workers earning above 2/3rd of median pay is 82.1%. [...] People in Employment The ROC has adopted the definition of ‘employed’ from the regulations of the ILO and it is similar to the definition and criteria used in the labor statistics by leading countries.
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