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22 Dec 2023

In this issue of P-Insights, we provide an overview of Asia’s diverse demographic landscape and explore the factors that contributed to the demographic transitions that countries in the region have experienced or are experiencing, and the implications of these changes. [...] In subregions of Asia, particularly Central Asia and some countries of South Asia, where the fertility rate is still high, the challenge of curbing population growth remains, while at the same time maximizing the potential of a youth bulge that will be joining the workforce in the years to come. [...] 6 | CONFRONTING ASIA’S CHALLENGING DEMOGRAPHIC REALITIES DRIVERS OF DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGE: FERTILITY, MORTALITY, AND MIGRATION Population change refers to the variation in the size and composition of the population over time and is affected by the three components of fertility or births, mortality or deaths, and migration. [...] The demographic window of opportunity will close as the population of working age starts to decline relative to the share of the population of older ages. [...] For these countries, the population will remain relatively young, and the working-age population has the potential to expand, putting a strain on labor markets unless the economy can absorb the increase in the number of workers.
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