cover image: Review of Evidence: Assessing and Monitoring Species Abundance and Extinction Risk for


Review of Evidence: Assessing and Monitoring Species Abundance and Extinction Risk for

16 Jan 2024

In addition to this, much of the modelling was undertaken using the initial version 1 of the indicator (containing only 670 of the 1195 species in the final version of the indicator), and the feasibility assessment extrapolated recent rates of decline in species abundance to 2022, with no consideration of the potential error around this assumption. [...] In conclusion, despite the limited information and time available during the development of the species abundance indicator and legally binding targets, there is evidence to suggest that the indicator is based on robust monitoring of species abundance, and has the potential to be a key representation of the state of the environment under Government’s Thriving plants and wildlife goal. [...] The following overarching question and sub-questions provided a focus for the review: • Considering the available evidence, is the level of ambition in the UK Government’s plan to deliver the targets for species abundance and extinction risk in England appropriate? o What are they key assumptions and uncertainties? o Are the targets achievable given the proposed delivery pathways? o Are the delive. [...] The detailed review for each element includes a summary of Defra’s approach to the element in question, a review of their approach in light of the evidence surrounding best practice/effective implementation etc, and a critical appraisal of the evidence including details of any recommendations or opportunities stemming from the findings of the analysis. [...] However, due to the relative infancy of some of the actions being introduced, and the limited information on the planned timelines and prioritization of interventions, there is a lack of publicly available evidence to support an accurate assessment of whether the targets will in fact be achieved within the set timeframe.


Peter Henrys

Published in
United Kingdom