cover image: MY TIME



4 Jan 2024

The location and time at which work is done are determined in teams/project teams by considering: • the type of activity and purpose of the work • the desired and necessary interaction and connection between colleagues, partners, and clients in order to achieve the goals • the personal preferences of employees, clients, and partners The goal of the Hybrid Way of Working is for you, your colleagues. [...] The pregnancy leave will be extended by the number of days of hospitalisation, calculable from the eighth day of the hospitalisation until the last day of the pregnancy up to a maximum of ten weeks, in line with the Work and Care Act regulations (WAZO). [...] The amount of pregnancy leave that is divided up and taken later is equal to the working week at the time of the pregnancy leave that follows the actual date of the birth.* Transfer of pregnancy leave to partner The Work and Care Act regulations (WAZO) apply. [...] Description of Pregnancy leave must start no Leave must be taken in the The right to leave exists Entitlement exists for a the scheme later than 4 weeks prior to the period running from four weeks for a period of 4 weeks period of 6 months after the expected delivery date (8 before the expected arrival until and the leave may be birth of the child. [...] Description of the For children up to the age of 1, in the event of multiple The leave applies to children aged 8 years or younger; in scheme births, there is an entitlement to leave for each of the the case of a multiple birth, leave applies to each child.


Bakhuis, E. (Erica)

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