cover image: Inclusive, quality education promotes EDUCATION: - understanding, tolerance, and peaceful coexistence among individuals and


Inclusive, quality education promotes EDUCATION: - understanding, tolerance, and peaceful coexistence among individuals and

23 Jan 2024

With more than two decades’ PEACEFUL experience in lower-income countries, including those affected by conflict, the world urgently FUTURE needs to recognize the role of education in fostering more peaceful societies and vastly increase its support to education systems. [...] • From Latin American to Eastern Europe to the Middle East, conflicts are tearing attention away from the need to support education as a pathway to peace at a time when nearly a quarter of a billion children in lower-income countries globally are out of school. [...] DURATION, QUALITY AND INCLUSION: HOW EDUCATION SUPPORTS PEACE The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) and the Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP) have collaborated on research that affirms the potential for education to build peaceful societies1. [...] The detrimental effects of conflicts and protracted crises on education are well known, but this study aims to delve into the relationship between education as a driver and pillar of peaceful societies, based on exploratory research that examines significant correlations between the two. [...] 1 For more details on the study, see : EDUCATION & PATHWAYS TO PEACE Timor Leste transitioned from conflict to stability, culminating in the withdrawal of UN peacekeepers in late 2012, successful elections and peaceful transfers of power, most recently in 2022.
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