cover image: BOLIVIA - The role of the travel and PROMISING - transportation industry in


BOLIVIA - The role of the travel and PROMISING - transportation industry in

9 Jan 2024

Bolivia, has been selected to present an outstanding practice in the field of the travel The main objective of the Munasim Kullakita and transportation industry, focused on Foundation is to support the processes of social sustainable tourism and the prevention of cases inclusion of marginalized and excluded people, of sexual exploitation of children in travel and through participatory interaction. [...] The compilation of this promising practice Although it mentions that the sanction has will be incorporated into the event organized the respective aggravating factors when the by ECPAT International and its collaborators, victim is a child or adolescent, the intervention related to the launch of the report of the Office processes do not take into account the level of of the Special Representative. [...] The work carried out of sexual exploitation in the context of travel with this sector has resulted in the elimination and tourism.11 of erroneous practices such as evasion in the supervision of personal identification and the An example of the effectiveness of this children travel permits. [...] worked together to catch the individual 10 A person democratically elected within the community, in charge of convening the bases with the objective of promoting periodic meetings to address the needs and demands of their sector in relation to the population and motivating the search for solutions with the intervention of operators and civil society. [...] Both the organizations part of of the tourism sector in the Americas, with the ECPAT Bolivia Consortium and ECPAT the purpose of raising awareness about the International can facilitate the reactivation of situation concerning travel, tourism and the Bolivia’s participation in this space, from which transportation sector, as well as to highlight technical cooperation and support from other the imp.
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