cover image: Report Name: - Research Culture Initiativ - es in the UK: Append


Report Name: - Research Culture Initiativ - es in the UK: Append

16 Jan 2024

It was then used to inform the search terms within the literature review and to structure the call for evidence, to categorise examples of practice to improve the research culture and environment, and subsequently identify any gaps. [...] The framework was then refined further through the discussions within the co-creation workshops and the mapping of the examples of practice from the call for evidence, both of which activities included more industry and third sector involvement. [...] The purpose of this literature review and desk research is to identify those traces and provide the project with either: 1) evidence directly contributing to the analysis, or 2) leads to closed information that can be followed up in subsequent direct engagement with the organisation (Stage C of the project to map the landscape of current and past activity focused on enhancing research and innovati. [...] Method Search strategy The search strategy was informed by clarifications from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and the project team, iterations of preliminary searches, and the evolution of the Research Culture Framework being developed as part of 27 the project. [...] This focuses on: the responsibilities and behaviours that support research integrity and good research practice; the drivers, costs and consequences of research misconduct; and the skills required to recognise and navigate ethical issues in research.


Jack Wilson

Published in
United Kingdom