cover image: Report Name: Re search Culture Initiativ - es in the UK


Report Name: Re search Culture Initiativ - es in the UK

16 Jan 2024

The • How people are supported government’s Research and development (R&D) • How individuals engage with others people and culture strategy calls for collective efforts The primary purpose of the framework was to map and to enhance research culture, with the ambition of categorise initiatives for analysis. [...] proportion of initiatives related to the public and The project team used desk research, a literature third sectors, and only a few focused on the private review, the development of a research culture sector. [...] Participants in the project indicated that further Many of these discussed communication and action should take place with the involvement of collaboration between sectors, whereas others research leaders, and by co-led by a wide range of focused on the necessity of a diversity of stakeholders, across all career stages and types, contributions to the research endeavour. [...] 30 Opportunities for the Good Practice Exchange A portfolio of activities This project highlights the breadth and complexity of the potential scope of any Good Practice Exchange, both in terms of research culture areas to cover and the multiplicity of roles involved comprising UK research culture. [...] It’s very important that the sector is able to see the results of this work for their benefit, as a compensation for the effort we put in contributing to it.” Respondent to the call for evidence This might particularly be the case for small-scale and community organisations, who may not have the resources available for sharing their activities.


Jack Wilson

Published in
United Kingdom