cover image: December 20, 2023 R e:  MTC Commission Item 9a:  Regional Transportation Revenue Measure Update C hair Pedroza and Commissioners,


December 20, 2023 R e: MTC Commission Item 9a: Regional Transportation Revenue Measure Update C hair Pedroza and Commissioners,

20 Dec 2023

To that end, SPUR has engaged closely with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and the region’s transit operators over the last several years both to advocate for needed funding and to help shape the system’s transformation. [...] SPUR also supports the concept, discussed in the summary sheet attachment for item 3b, of expanding the power and authority of the Regional Network Management structure in conjunction with the passage of a regional measure. [...] As referenced in the staff memo, consolidation of transit operators has long been a topic of discussion and interest in the region and we agree that there are many potential advantages that could come from advancing the full or partial integration of some of the Bay Area’s 27 operators. [...] Right now, customers and the region need MTC and transit operators to provide clean, safe and reliable service and to work together through the newly established Regional Network Management structure to deliver tangible changes like a regional wayfinding pilot, an expanded Clipper BayPass program, new transit priority infrastructure and coordinated schedules and transfers at major hubs. [...] There is much the region can do to build v oter support for transit in advance of 2026, but the polling also makes it clear that the lack of s upport for a measure is significantly influenced by larger economic and societal factors that are unrelated to transportation and outside of what a campaign could reasonably expect to influence.
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