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International Journal of Water Management and Diplomacy

4 Feb 2024

On the past, negotiations on the issue of the Nile waters always were stuck on the narratives of Cairo’s unwillingness based on its logic of the Nile River water ‘‘historical rights.’’ But since 2011, Ethiopia and the two downstream countries, which are Egypt and Sudan got engaged on the GERD negotiation tables. [...] Asfaw appreciated the stance of Ethiopia in that it’s following the track agreed by the DoP that the states should negotiate and agree on the filling schedule and operation of the dam with continuing construction of the dam. [...] Therefore, it is recommended that: The states that are participating on the negotiation should detach the process from the act of expecting gaining political benefit and focus on finding a win-win solution for the benefit of all countries The negotiating states have to show decency in respecting the principles of equitable and fairness in utilizing transboundary resources The downstream countries. [...] The Nile Question: The Accords on the Water of the Nile and Their Implications on Cooperative Schemes in the Basin. [...] Agreement on Declaration of Principles between The Arab Republic of Egypt, The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia And The Republic of the Sudan On The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Project (GERDP).



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