cover image: Turn on the Light: Why tackling energy-related challenges in the nexus of water and food in Syria cannot wait


Turn on the Light: Why tackling energy-related challenges in the nexus of water and food in Syria cannot wait

29 Jan 2024

This discussion paper contributes to the broader discourse on the nexus between Water, Energy and Food (WEF) in parts of Syria where Oxfam works. It explores the main causes behind the deterioration of the WEF sectors and the impact they have on households across Syria. The paper also focuses on aspects that directly impact and limit Oxfam's work inside Syria, in the delivery and implementation of  Water, Sanitation and Hygiene; Livelihoods; Food Security and Protection interventions. Addressing the WEF Nexus in Syria is key in delivering more effective and sustainable interventions; and helping Syrians restore their lives
energy water sanitation and hygiene humanitarian response humanitarian food and livelihoods conflict and disasters


Cervi, Anna

Research reports & discussion papers
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