cover image: RUHR - ECONOMIC PAPERS - Strategies and Implications of Mitigating Personnel Shortages


RUHR - ECONOMIC PAPERS - Strategies and Implications of Mitigating Personnel Shortages

6 Dec 2023

We in- vestigate how various metrics of nursing homes including the nurse-to-resident ratio, the qualification mix of the nursing personnel, and the occupancy ratio correlate with the county-level number of published vacancy notes, which we use as our measure of nursing shortages. [...] This data provides us with the number of all open positions 1Consistent with the focus of the empirical analyses which are on the shift on the supply side, in our model, we abstract from shifts of the demand curve resulting from the demo- graphic change. [...] Yet, in the presence of wage rigidity, changes on the demand side are not affecting the effects of a shift in the supply of nurses in the model. [...] relationships between vacancy ratios and the average number of NH beds, we observe that the NH has 1.2 fewer residents considering the distance of the 10th percentile of the NP-vacancy ratio to the 90th percentile. [...] “The shortage of registered nurses and some new estimates of the effects of wages on registered nurses labor supply: a look at the past and a preview of the 21st century”.
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