cover image: नेपालमा कोदोजन्य बालीहरू: परमपरा, विज्ान र प्रविवि Editors  |


नेपालमा कोदोजन्य बालीहरू: परमपरा, विज्ान र प्रविवि Editors |

1 Jan 2024

This extraordinary array of millet species forms the foundation of the intricate relationship between the people of Nepal and their environment, with each variety playing a unique role in the country's traditions, nutrition, and agriculture. [...] The journey to this book began with the formulation of a tentative list of actions, followed by a visit from the FAO team to the Genebank for the finalization of activities. [...] I would like to express my sincere gratitude to The Genebank, NARC; the Centre for Crop Development and Agrobiodiversity Conservation of the Department of Agriculture and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Nepal for the collaboration effort on publishing this invaluable book in Nepal. [...] Millets related food recipes, seeds and plants of millet landraces, various millets food products and drinks, and millets related tradition and culture were showcased in ABD fairs and exhibitions organized in National Agrobiodiversity Day (1st of the month of the Nepalese calendar month Magh which falls on the mid of January) and ‘Agrobiodiversity Week’ (Magh 1-7). [...] During the period of the Gorkhali administration in Garhwal, the rural people grew wheat and rice to pay the tax and subsided on barley, maize, millet and other coarse grains which supplemented their diet with fruits, and herbs.
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