cover image: MAKING ENDS MEET - A New Approach to Tackling Affordability


MAKING ENDS MEET - A New Approach to Tackling Affordability

31 Jan 2024

It was in the context of these twin crises that the Affordability Action Council, a non-partisan collaboration of diverse policy experts and community leaders from across the country, came together to develop a suite of policy measures to simultaneously tackle the effects of high inflation and climate change. [...] • The Rapid Housing Initiative, which provides capital contributions for the construction of new housing and the acquisition of existing buildings for rehabilitation or conversion to permanent affordable housing, should be expanded with additional funding to achieve the pace and scale of the effort needed. [...] In addition, at the insistence of the federal government, the CEOs of the top-five grocery chains have presented plans to federal officials to explain how they plan to contain food prices. [...] In the United States, Canada’s top agricultural trading partner, a drought in the American southwest along with heat waves, floods and a snap freeze in other parts of the country led to an increase in the price of vegetables and fresh fruit (Fradella, 2022). [...] The 2023 report of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities called on the federal government to collaborate with other levels of government and public and private operators to identify and close gaps in passenger transportation services.
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