cover image: BRIEFING - Migrants in the UK labour market: an overview


BRIEFING - Migrants in the UK labour market: an overview

26 Jan 2024

The LFS is the largest household study in the UK and provides the official measures of employment and unemployment. [...] This change in the mode of data collection impacted the survey response rate, which has been significantly lower, and the non-response bias (that is, the profile of people who do not participate in the survey has changed). [...] The Office for National Statistics (ONS) and the Migration Observatory have also published several pieces discussing the effects of the pandemic on the LFS/APS data collection and the reliability of the population estimates derived from those surveys (e.g. [...] Foreign-born workers made up nearly a fifth of the employed population in the fourth quarter of 2022 The share of workers employed in the UK who were born abroad has steadily increased over the past two decades, rising from 9% of the employed workforce in the first quarter of 2004 (2.6 million) to 19% in the fourth quarter of 2022 (6.2 million) (Figure 1). [...] UK PAGE 6 BRIEFING: Migrants in the UK labour market: an overview Figure 3 The greater increase in unemployment among migrant workers—especially the EU-born—compared to the UK-born during the pandemic may have been related to differences in the jobs they do.
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