cover image: Sustainable transformation pathways of Chinese food system for the environment, public health


Sustainable transformation pathways of Chinese food system for the environment, public health

9 Jan 2024

The scenario spans the dimensions of health, inclusion, and the environment and is informed by the policy context of the Chinese food system in terms of socioeconomic drivers, diet, nitrogen, water, land, GHG emissions, biodiversity, etc. [...] Co-benefits among the environment, health, and inclusive growth are achieved in the FSTSDP_China scenario To explore a sustainable transformation pathway for China, the results between the BASESSP2 and FSTSDP_China scenarios are compared to discussthe co-benefits and trade-offs among the environment, health, and inclusion indicators (Figure 5). [...] In the BASESSP2 scenario, the GHG emissions in the AFOLU sector decrease from 1.6 Gt CO2eq in 2020 to 0.7 Gt CO2eq in 2050, which can be attributed to the shrinkage of agricultural land and targeted afforestation in the NDC. [...] (2) The labor productivity in the crop sector in 2050 shows a higher increase degree in the FSTSDP_China scenario than that in 2020, compared with the increase in the BASESSP2 scenario (Figure 10). [...] This is due to the social development path of SSP1 is followed by the FSTSDP_China, accompanied by the changes in the dietary structure brought about by the transformation of the food system changes the crop planting structure, which leads to a rapid increase in labor productivity in the crop sector.


Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Sistemas Agroalimentarios Sostenibles – Centro ISA

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