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Non-Technical Summary

20 Dec 2023

Lynn and Borkowska (2018) explored the representativeness of the sample responding to the initial wave of the British Household Panel Study (BHPS) original sample and the GPS using the population figures from the Census. [...] At wave 13, the GPS is the sample with the highest wave response rate (35.5%), followed by the BHPS original sample (25.8%), the IEMB (25.8%), the BHPS Welsh Boost (25.2%), the NIPS (23.8%), the BHPS Scottish Boost (23.1%), and the Ethnic Minority Boost sample (21.3%). [...] The rest of the cells contain the response rate for the subgroup as the percentage of wave 1 respondents who completed the interview in that wave. [...] The rest of the cells contain the response rate for the subgroup as the percentage of wave 1 respondents who completed the interview in that wave. [...] The rest of the cells contain the response rate for the subgroup as the percentage of wave 6 respondents who completed the interview in that wave.


Cabrera Alvarez, Pablo

Published in
United Kingdom