cover image: Data Linkage in Road Safety - Bridging the divide to support


Data Linkage in Road Safety - Bridging the divide to support

6 Feb 2024

17 Data Linkage in Road Safety: Bridging the divide to support better health outcomes 18 Following the COVID-19 pandemic, public trust has been further eroded with fears over the role of foreign private firms in the acquisition and use of digital patient data, and in the development and maintenance of digital infrastructure for the national health service. [...] 6.2 Data selection The study design called for the linkage of transport data and health data to create a linked dataset describing the entire picture from the collision and point of injury, through to hospital transfer, and ultimately on to hospital treatment and discharge. [...] There needs to be evidence of testing the acceptability to patients and the public more 39 Data Linkage in Road Safety: Bridging the divide to support better health outcomes 40 generally of using confidential patient information without specific consent for the purpose of this research.46,47,77 Patient and public involvement is an example of the use of lay people in shaping a. [...] The application had to include the rationale for the work, a list of those contributing to the work (including co-ordination with the groups in the steering committee), the data being used, the reason for its use, a clear data flow with detailed explanation of the processing, and planned outputs/benefits. [...] The most complex application was to NHS Digital via the Data Access Request Service (DARS), not least because the application was needed to outline the 41 Data Linkage in Road Safety: Bridging the divide to support better health outcomes 42 plan for bespoke request for linkage.78 The information provided to DARS was expected to demonstrate the legal basis for access to the re.
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