cover image: Greening the Economy of Europe and Central Asia (English)


Greening the Economy of Europe and Central Asia (English)

1 Feb 2024

The impacts of climate change are profoundly affecting the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region. During the summer of 2023-the warmest summer in history-ECA experienced a particularly intense heat wave, with all-time high temperatures, significant wildfires, and devastating flooding in some parts of the region. Beyond these short-term consequences, the long-term impacts of climate change are projected to be substantial, with climate change impacts dampening future growth. Countries in the region urgently need to address the drivers and consequences of climate change. This note describes current trends in carbon emissions in ECA, the implications of the recent energy shock for the region's economies, and policies to promote a transition to a greener economy in the region and adapt to the impacts of climate change.
climate change europe and central asia carbon pricing energy and climate change climate change impacts central government central agencies economic shocks and climate change


Izvorski,Ivailo V., Lokshin,Michael M., Timilsina,Govinda R., Torre,Ivan

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Greening the Economy of Europe and Central Asia
Product Line
Advisory Services & Analytics
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
7E-Europe And Central Asia Analytical Program -- P174377
Central Government (Central Agencies)
Financial Infrastructure and Access,Economic Policy,Economic Growth and Planning,Financial inclusion,Finance,Macroeconomic & Structural Policy Modelling
Unit Owning
Office of the Chief Economist (ECACE)
Version Type
Volume No

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