cover image: Portal Kombat: A structured and coordinated pro-Russian propaganda network


Portal Kombat: A structured and coordinated pro-Russian propaganda network

12 Feb 2024

Between September and December 2023, VIGINUM analysed the activity of a network of "information portals" with similar characteristics, disseminating pro-Russian content and targeting several western countries, including France. Although this network of at least 193 sites initially covered news from Russian and Ukrainian localities, it changed the day after Russia invaded Ukraine and started to target occupied Ukrainian territories, then several western countries supporting Ukraine and its population. The sites in this network do not produce any original content but massively relay publications from sources that are primarily three types: social media accounts of Russian or pro-Russian actors, Russian news agencies, and official websites of local institutions or actors. The main objective seems to be to cover the Russo-Ukrainian conflict by presenting positively "the special military operation" and denigrating Ukraine and its leaders. Very ideologically oriented, this content repeatedly presents inaccurate or misleading narratives. As for the portal targeting France, pravda-fr[.]com, it directly contributes to polarize the Francophone digital public debate. In order to reach a wide audience, this network uses several techniques such as the careful selection of pro-Russian propaganda sources according to the targeted locality, massive automation in the distribution of content, or search engines optimization. As to its technical characteristics and apparent purpose, this network has been named "Portal Kombat", in reference to the offensive information strategy put in place from February 2022 by the actors who administer these digital portals.
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