cover image: Pre-Conference



7 Feb 2024

Scale-level Vulnerability Trends, Wave 2 – Wave 8, Five Scales 20.0 15.0 Physical Social 10.0 Emotional Language 5.0 Communication 0.0 Wave 2 Wave 3 Wave 4 Wave 5 Wave 6 Wave 7 Wave 8 (2004-07) (2007-09) (2009-11) (2011-13) (2016-19) (2013-16) (2019-22) Childhood Social-Emotional Functioning Association with Mental Health Conditions Increased odds of Vulnerabilities in mental health social and con. [...] Wave 8: Summary of Key Findings Still 1 in 3 Social Competence & Emotional Maturity continue as highest concern Disparity in Overall Vulnerability rates across province remains Possible pandemic-related influences on early child development Families had less • Access to consistent child care • Social interaction and support outside the immediate household • Access to programs, supports and service. [...] In 2023, CHEQ was revised (mostly shortened) • Therefore, 2023 results for some items may lose some comparability with earlier years’ results Many Experiences, Peer Experiences Composite, 2019-2023 BC Project Level Data Interpret with caution, * see slide 33 Percent of Children Who Played Outdoors 6-7 in the Past 6 months, 2019-2023 BC Project Level Data Interpret with caution, * see slide 33 Many. [...] Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act (2019) • TogetherBC Poverty Reduction Strategy (2019) • BC Early Learning Framework (2019) • Ministry of Education and Child Care During the COVID-19 pandemic, Canada's child poverty rate dropped by 40%. [...] So, what can we do? Early Years Matter, continue to… • Create opportunities for connection IRL • Use data to monitor children and – for children & families family health and well-being • Support and strengthen child care • Prioritize equity and inclusion sector • Underpin all efforts with a move • Consider access to, and remove barriers toward Reconciliation to, existing services NEW! Outdoor & Ri.


Buium, Kate

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