Reclaiming your Senate A primer on pre-Senate


Reclaiming your Senate A primer on pre-Senate

19 Jan 2024

The purpose of pre-Senate caucuses is to facilitate broader engagement and inform Senators in the process of collegial governance, to prepare more substantively for Senate meetings, and to organize and coordinate questions effectively. [...] When asked about some of the challenges that Associations face in organizing around Senate, the primary issue has been the time and effort it takes to organize, prepare, and meet prior to Senate meetings, as well as securing someone to chair and plan the meetings. [...] Page 4 of 5 Depending on when the agenda is sent to Senators, the pre-Senate caucus should try to schedule meetings between the date of the agenda being released and the date of the Senate meeting. [...] The structure of pre-Senate caucus meetings may vary based on the circumstances or Senate agenda, whether the meetings are formal or informal, and how they are organized (at the Faculty level or run by the Association). [...] Actionable outcomes of the meetings may include: • gathering questions or motions to submit in advance of the next Senate meeting, including new initiatives (such as proposals for new Senate committees or procedures); • agreement on a strategic focus of questions to raise from the floor during the next Senate meeting; • agreement on the Senators who will persist in asking questions when the Admini.


Joel Duff

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