cover image: Blood Money Campaign Myanmar - Is Chevron helping the Myanmar military junta evade U.S. sanctions?


Blood Money Campaign Myanmar - Is Chevron helping the Myanmar military junta evade U.S. sanctions?

19 Dec 2023

o Has Chevron already approved a currency change? o If not, will Chevron refuse to provide consent to any future, proposed currency changes? o How has Chevron used its leverage to ensure that the buyer of its interest in Yadana will not consent to such currency changes? o If Chevron has approved a currency change, or failed to prevent the buyer from doing so, how is this consistent with Chevron’s. [...] In January 2023, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights Situation in Myanmar concluded that the Myanmar military junta was not the Government of Myanmar. [...] A recent increase in conflict in Myanmar has reduced the limited areas in Myanmar over which the junta has control, further demonstrating that the junta is not the de facto government under international law. [...] o On what basis has Chevron determined that the junta is able to act as the Government of Myanmar and accept revenue payments? o On what basis has Chevron determined that the junta is able to act as the Government of Myanmar and approve the sale of Chevron’s interests? o Why did Chevron consider it was best placed to make these determinations rather than referring the matter to international arbit. [...] o What additional steps is Chevron taking to ensure that these sums do not reach the junta after it sells is interest in Yadana? o How has Chevron used its leverage to ensure that the terms of the sale preclude the buyer from approving such payments? 5.
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United States of America