cover image: Post-COP28 Strategic Intelligence Brief

Post-COP28 Strategic Intelligence Brief

25 Jan 2024

In this brief, the topic renewables covers solar, wind, wave, hydro, geothermal, bio-energy, renewable heat and waste-to-energy; the topic finance covers climate financing, private investments and subsidies; and the topic hydrogencovers blue and green hydrogen. [...] Joe Biden, President of the United States of America Philanthropies, and the Sequoia Climate Foundation, pledged US$450 fossil gas and coal) and renewables. [...] ADB to program US$10 billion in climate finance for the Philippines: The Asian Development Bank announced a US$10 billion climate finance programme for the Philippines for 2024-2029 to support the country's Paris Agreement commitments #1 Russia and enhance its climate resilience, particularly in vulnerable areas. [...] The UN's Food and Agriculture Organization released a roadmap addressing the dual challenge of food insecurity and climate change, highlighting the critical but Irrigation often overlooked impact of food systems on global greenhouse gas emissions and the increasing prevalence of hunger and malnutrition. [...] African and Middle Eastern leaders announced the US$10 billion SAFE initiative, apublic-private partnership led by the Global Green Growth Institute, to enhance Forestry food security and sustainable agriculture in the face of climate challenges, with a focus on climate-smart practices and supporting vulnerable populations, Food-water-energy nexus particularly youth and women.

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