cover image: CPA - Minneapolis Star Tribune - Some Minnesota corporations quietly resume donations to election disputers - 01-27-24 - CPA quoted


CPA - Minneapolis Star Tribune - Some Minnesota corporations quietly resume donations to election disputers - 01-27-24 - CPA quoted

27 Jan 2024

In the months and years that followed, most have quietly resumed donating to politicians who voted to overturn the results. [...] Since then, the global health care conglomerate has donated at least $272,000 to 42 of the 147 Republican members of Congress who objected to certifying the election results. [...] "Bipartisan political contributions are just one part of our efforts to engage in the policy process and our participation comes with the understanding we may not agree with recipients of political contributions on all issues." Richfield-based Best Buy went further than UnitedHealth, pledging to stop donating to members of Congress who didn't vote to certify Biden's win. [...] Public paying 'much closer attention' All of the companies gave directly to members through their PACS, which pour tens of millions of dollars into the battle to control Congress and the White House each election cycle. [...] Its PAC now "prohibits contributions to candidates who overextend Congress' role in the election process and continue to deny federal election results," the company wrote in a statement.


Southern District of New York

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United States of America