cover image: Working Paper - Inspiring Action: - Sarah Di Troia Vanessa Parli Juan N. Pava


Working Paper - Inspiring Action: - Sarah Di Troia Vanessa Parli Juan N. Pava

6 Feb 2024

Project Evident is at the forefront of the next generation of understanding and acting on practitioners’ use of data and evidence for equitable outcomes in the social and education sectors, advancing an inclusive, R&D approach with appropriate technology, capacity, and knowledge. [...] About the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered AI The mission of the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI) is to advance AI research, education, policy, and practice to improve the human condition. [...] This will surface the needs and wants of the social and education sectors early in the AI research and design process, ensuring equity is a core principle. [...] How can we measure the lost opportunity in current AI usage? The opportunity gap is the difference between the current usage of AI and the belief that your organization would benefit from using more AI. [...] Additionally, making technology grants primarily through priority funding for AI? areas could limit grantmakers’ ability to invest in the underlying systemic factors that perpetuate the data divide between the commercial and the social and Because funders play a critical role in providing education sectors, including the absence of widely innovation capital to the AI sector, as part of the survey.
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United States of America