cover image: Five Good Ideas ® for disrupting ableism in the workplace


Five Good Ideas ® for disrupting ableism in the workplace

30 Jan 2024

How can we embed Accessibility in our EDI (Equality, Di- versity, and Inclusion) work so our anti-oppression efforts foster belonging in our diverse workforce and reflect the values of intersectionality and disability justice? How do we do this work without creating increased stress and con- fusion among staff and board members? While the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) is. [...] Start by recognizing the places we get “stuck.” Organiza- tions and non-profit agencies can and should apply access and inclusion principles to programming, board initiatives, Five Good Ideas and the general organizational culture. [...] and disrupt ableist language and make an intentional shift towards inclusive and respectful communication. [...] Fran has made scholarly change can be sustainable and that it goes beyond the contributions to addressing inequities in health and anti- bare minimum. [...] She • Workshop links: Takeaways from TNC Disability guides collective advocacy campaigns, Justice Conversation Series peer-to-peer capacity building, innovative collaborations, and research in the areas of 2SLGBTQIA+ • Sins Invalid: 10 Principles of Disability Justice inclusion, Disability Justice, equity and belonging, and • Video: Applying a Disability Justice Lens to Transform people-centred co.
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