cover image: Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls


Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls

12 Feb 2024

We found that a wide breadth of issues with the prevention, protection and access to justice for victim-survivors of gender-based violence against women and girls in Scotland demonstrates ongoing challenges with aligning the commitment to a human rights and public health approach with delivery and attitudes. [...] The adequacy of the legal and normative framework for specific forms of violence Our report covers the scope and applications of criminal and civil laws covering a range of manifestations of violence against women and girls in Scotland. [...] Transparency, accountability, and effective participation the design of laws and policies, allocation and monitoring of spending provision of effective assistance and protection for victims of gender-based violence The Scottish Government publishes an Equality and Fairer Scotland Budget Statement alongside the annual budget each year which offers a post-hoc description of spending by equality cons. [...] The design and implementation of policies to ensure coordinated, gender-sensitive and comprehensive essential services for the survivors of gender-based violence against women; While Equally Safe has driven a culture change across the public sector measuring progress is challenging due to the partiality of data and evidence around outcomes, especially for further marginalised groups of women. [...] The capacity of stakeholders to collect and analyse and use disaggregated-data Bridgeside House, 99 McDonald Road, Edinburgh, EH7 4NS | 0131 297 5750 | 8 Measuring progress on the prevention and response to gender-based violence against women and girls is made more challenging due to the partiality of data and evidence around outcomes, espe.


The Scottish Human Rights Commission

Published in
United Kingdom